中高校生による発表 Presentation by junior and senior high school students


将来の甲殻類研究者を発掘し、育むために、中学生・高校生による研究発表の場を提供します。ポスター形式による研究発表です。発表の審査・表彰等は行いませんが、甲殻類研究者と直接対話・議論する機会としてご利用ください。なお、参加・発表を希望される中学生・高校生・引率教員の方は、ホームページ経由ではなく、メール<hamak [at] kaiyodai.ac.jp> にてお申し込みください。折り返し、ご連絡いたします。

To identify and nurture future crustacean researchers, this program provides a forum for research presentations by junior and senior high school students. Research presentations are given in poster format. Presentations will not be judged or awarded, but we encourage you to use this event as an opportunity for direct dialogue and discussion with crustacean researchers. Junior and senior high school students and teachers wishing to participate and present are requested to apply by email <hamak [at] kaiyodai.ac.jp>, rather than via the website. We will contact you shortly.


Presentations relating to the above-mentioned research presentations are limited to crustacean-related research. The presenter and the main research worker must be a junior or senior high school student and may include their supervisor as a co-presenter. It does not matter whether the presenter is a member of the Crustacean Society of Japan or not.


The conference participation fee for the above presentations is free for junior high and high school students, and free for up to one accompanying teacher, with a fee of 5,000 yen for the second and subsequent teachers. Participation in the banquet is 1,000 yen for junior high and high school students and 6,000 yen for accompanying teachers, on condition that they are accompanied by an accompanying teacher.


