8:00 受付開始(白鷹館1階・講義室前)
8:45 開会挨拶(白鷹館1階・講義室)
8:50-11:55 口頭発表(O1~O11)(白鷹館1階・講義室)
12:00-13:30 評議員会(楽水会館2階・小会議室)
11:55-13:00 昼食
13:00-15:00 ポスター発表(P1~P26, H1~H3)(楽水会館1階・大会議室)
15:00-15:10 記念撮影(楽水会館前)
15:20-18:15 シンポジウム:十脚甲殻類の侵略的な外来種とザリガニ類を中心とした保全研究ー地中海地域を例として(白鷹館1階・講義室)
18:30-20:30 懇親会(楽水会館1階・大会議室)
8:45-12:20 口頭発表(O12~O23)と特別講演(白鷹館1階・講義室)
12:20-13:20 昼食
13:20-14:20 総会(白鷹館1階・講義室)
14:20-17:10 口頭発表(O24~O33)(白鷹館1階・講義室)
17:10 閉会挨拶(白鷹館1階・講義室)
8:00 Registration desk open (1st floor, Hakuyo Hall)
8:45 Opening address (1st floor lecture room, Hakuyo Hall)
8:50-11:55 Oral presentations (1st floor lecture room, Hakuyo Hall)
12:00-13:30 Board meeting (2nd floor small conference room, Rakusui Hall)
11:55-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-15:00 Poster presentations (1st floor conference room, Rakusui Hall)
15:00-15:10 Commemorative photo (In front of the Rakusui Hall)
15:20-18:15 Symposium: Conservation study on crayfish and invasive alien decapod species - case study on species from the Mediterranean region (1st floor lecture room, Hakuyo Hall)
18:30-20:30 Banquet (1st floor conference room, Rakusui Hall)
8:45-12:20 Oral presentations and special talk (1st floor lecture room, Hakuyo Hall)
12:20-13:20 Lunch break
13:20-14:20 Business meeting (1st floor lecture room, Hakuyo Hall)
14:20-17:10 Oral presentations (1st floor lecture room, Hakuyo Hall)
17:10 Closing address (1st floor lecture room, Hakuyo Hall)
At this year's meeting, the Presentation Award will also be given to an outstanding presentation by a young researcher (under 35 years of age).
The award will be presented to:
1) Regular members and student members under 35 years of age as of 1 January of the current year (2023), who have presented as first author in an oral or poster presentation session at the annual conference.
2) One oral presentation award and one poster presentation award.